Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Check out my Slide Show!

Friday, July 18, 2008



STILL ON MUMS:Work or Stay at home.

I want to start by apologizing for not being active on this blog for a while now. Sisters, I’m still trying to find a balance between all the things I’m trying to juggle. Please, forgive.
I also want to use this medium to express my appreciation to all of you who posted your comments (Omodele, Titolulope, Chioma, Oluseun and Chari), thanks a whole bunch. And to all who visited the blog but could not post their comments for one reason or the other (probably motherly or wifely or professional duties called), I still want to express my gratitude for taking the time out. I still look forward to it though!

Now to the business of the day, Chari asked what I would do. I’ll love to answer as honestly as I can.
I will love to combine the two in the most practical way I can. I mean, I want to work at the same time be available for my kids. I am actually working presently in a school as a co-curricular facilitator. I facilitate activities that are not purely academic like craft-work, singing (more like co-ordinating the college choir), I also bring up new ideas that I feel will benefit the students and the school in general. I am not mandated to go to work everyday (although I do), and to top it all, I take my daughters to school and keep them in the crèche! My job is a special arrangement and I am so grateful for it as I know this may not be available in all schools. Now, the truth is, I chose to work this way for now because of my kids. I would love to work in a corporate setting as an Administrative Officer, maybe a Client service executive or something of that nature. But I had to weigh things up when I discovered I was pregnant with my 2nd baby (that actually collided with the time I was going to launch out into the corporate world!). So you can say I’m eating my cake and having it! The advantage this arrangement has for me is that I’m able to make contact with people and exchange ideas. I’m also trying to add value to myself in the process. That is the reason I took up a training session with the organization that introduced me to the medium I’m using to communicate with you now (THANK YOU W-TEC), and I plan to make good use of it.
My next level is to be able to juggle all of these and still have a life! I believe life is meant to be enjoyed (well, I plan to enjoy mine) not endured, and I can tell you that it has been quite challenging to mother, wife and work all at the same time. I don’t want to sound like I’m complaining. I love being who and what I am (me, mother and wife!). I am just saying there must be a way to still have a great and enjoyable life despite having so many plates on your table.

So long a post. I’ll stop here and wait for your comments. Thank you sisters!

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Thursday, July 17, 2008

music video

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Wednesday, July 09, 2008


Hey ladies, thanks for your quick responses. Will keep you posted.

Saturday, July 05, 2008

MUMS. Work or stay at home?

Hello, this is my first after the first blog so I am still new at it. I think I want to blog about an issue I’ve been thinking about for a while now. Working mothers! Should mothers stay at home with kids or should they work outside the home? Yeah! I know this is not an easy question. I know because I am asking that question right now.

I am a young mother of 2 lovely daughters. I can tell you that they are one of the best things that has happened to me. I love them so much and naturally want the best for them so, I want to stay home and give them the best I can. I am also a graduate you know, and will love to explore the job market with my training or even try something new in the corporate world. Now I am torn between two worlds.

The argument for staying home is quite strong and I personally agree with them. What with the way the society is turning out rebels, touts and such: whose fundamental problems can not be unrelated to lack of solid role models. In Africa, we say “Charity begins at home”. But what happens when there is no one at home to lead ‘the charity lane’? The formative years of kids are very important and one cannot underestimate the impact of those years on children. I still vividly remember stuff from when I was little.
I want to instill in my daughters virtues they will remember for life. I want to be their first model. I want them to know they are important and loved very much and unconditionally. I want … so much for them; all I had and never had. All the things I have in mind are so time consuming and interactive that one would think you need more than 24hrs with them to achieve! When I think about this, I feel being a stay-at-home mum is the best for kids. But then, how practical is it?

In such a country as ours where to live comfortably (I’m not talking about getting rich) is highly economically demanding, you want all hands on deck to bring in enough money for the family. There are families where there is no other choice than for the mother to go out and work for them to survive. One now wonders how practical it really is for mums to stay at home.

Not only that, how about the psychological and emotional effects of staying at home? There is that feeling of being left behind by your working mates and juniors that is not so heavenly. When you stay around under 3 kids long enough, a time comes you’ll wonder if you can still carry on adult conversation (Pls. don’t laugh as I happen to have asked myself that question). Let’s not mention the never-ending housework. The list can go on and on, but I’ll stop here for now to here from you all what you think about this matter. I believe there should be an agreeable compromise we can reach. I’ll love to read your view, in fact, I look forward to it. Thank you.

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Thursday, July 03, 2008

I made it!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello! Waoh! I finally made it. Imagine, this is my very first blog!!! I now know what a blog is, thanks to W-TEC.
So how do I start on my very first blog? My name is or are Oluwafadekemi, Rebecca . Let me just check how this is working out. I’ll be right back. THANK YOU
